Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Updates, jokes, and why I hate medium-sized silverware.

Honestly, who abandons their blog for 6 months at a time? Oh, yeah...this girl does. And this isn't my first time.


I told a friend of mine that I would post at least once within the month of May. I'm a day late, but here I am, ready to give a full account for my actions and maybe some other tidbits to hold your interest.

What's been going on:

So, I'm done with my first term of grad school, and well into my second term. I think last time we left off, I had just finished my orientation. I am learning alllllll about teaching methods, human development, multicultural education, literacy, and self-reflecting like nobody's business. I'm in a cohort of 10 other pre-service educators who are ready to shake up our schools with love, mercy, justice, and creativity.

My friend Todd and I commute up to class every week, and during the drive find it necessary to stay entertained either with exceptional musical mixes, good stories from our week, or...a new favorite pasttime, make up jokes. One of our jokes is very relevant to our current times and culture. Basically, it is a joke within a joke: you take an inside joke you have with someone and fit that within the context of a web address. For example, if you and your friend have a joke about one of you not knowing how to drive in snow, you might say "Please visit my website at". See...something that is already funny, is made instantly funnier!



Seeing as to how I have had to do so much self-analysis and reflection in the past 6 months, I have really taken inventory again of myself on a personal level. In doing so, I have realized something about myself that I would like to share with the world wide web: I hate medium-sized silverware.

"This one. This is the lamest of them all."

Usually, with most things I say "go big, or go home"...but there is something so sweet about little spoons and forks. Eating your pudding or salad with them is so fun you've been transported to Wonderland or something. I do love a hefty soup spoon too, or a giant serving fork to really dig into a steak with. But, honestly, salad forks? Tablespoons? Nobody needs to pay attention to these guys.

Don't look into this too deeply, like "Oh, this says something about your deeper inner-workings." Nope. I just have an opinion about silverware. So, there.

I'll be back soon. Maybe sooner than 6 months this time.